Episode 1 – Five Rooms: Lose 10 choruses or 5 verses

Tim and Kellie talk about FIVE ROOMS, how it came about, what we did and how we did it. 

We explain the album title, *despite only really mentioning 3 of the rooms.

We talk / go off on tangents about working with producer Anna Laverty, Kel’s tenuous grasp of modern recording technology, the “Tim songs” which Kellie doesn’t like, the concept of nostalgia, as it relates to music, and us, and diary writing vs social media.

We also find ourselves discussing the Urge Overkill lobe in Tim’s brain, at length, and as always: smashing the patriarchy. Other notable moments include “Men settle down!!!” and “This isn’t my song any more” from Kellie.

We deep dive into lengthy and sometimes entertaining stories around every single song, and we try to give them some context in the broader picture of the band and also the weird times during which they were written and recorded.

There are plenty of laughs and much stupidity. Enjoy.


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